Year in review 2016

This year is soon finish,  I excited about it. I just hope I can get my act together and make 2017  productive and interesting year. This year taught me alot. It taught me the job market is very competitive  and also people’s would also discriminate you on so much ground before them gives you a job. Hopefully 2017 is much better in finding a job. It taught me about friends and family.  When you think you have friends,  you don’t. People would use you to get through in life and turn around treat you  invisible.  The same as family , them supposed to be your pilar of strength but because you not on the same level as them you be outcast. One thing I learn when you don’t have a job people treat you differently.  Them think oh it cannot happen to them and put it back into your face. I learned that people think it ok to lie just to make the other party feel happy, although them disagree just to fit into the circle. I’m not going lie I just saw so much fake friends to other people this year and people think oh that is my friend.  But people pretend so well. I learn to be strong and have patience,  I’m not going lie most nights I get very emotional and that when I need someone to talk to or I just be there. I realized what I’m going through is long and lonely road . And people prefer to be with you through the happy times but not the bad times. I guess that is why so much marriage and relationships break up occurs. Everything wasn’t bad actually from that I learned a lot. Although, it was rough patch I enjoy my island by going site seeing unfortunately it not fun going places by yourself but I enjoy it . I love nature. I had open another blog which deal with science. That is my baby,  it still young but writing about science just make me happy. I had a friend who give me input on some of the contents it was great. It show my at least one person believe in me and my talent. I learn so much more about science than in a classroom while researching.  I miss doing science.  For 2017,  is in for ride. I know it going be an interesting year.  My main goal is to get a job so  I be  able to carried out other goals and be happy. Sometimes you have to be at your lowest and be by yourself to see your journey.